New Book Release – Story About How Covid Pandemic Affected Kids (Autism Special Needs)
Several years ago I met this guy named Arree Chung. He was an author and came out with a course on how to make children’s picture books. He called it Storyteller Academy. I didn’t have any interest in making a book, but bought it anyway to support his efforts. I found the creative process behind that very fascinating, and I’d watch bits and pieces over the years to learn more about it.
Fast forward to August 2020 and I was feeling like I wanted to tell a story. As you all know Covid reared it’s ugly head. It affected my young son Adam who is mostly nonverbal and autistic. He suddenly couldn’t go to school anymore. And if you know anything about special needs kids, school is a HUGE source of support. They need it not only for education purposes but also the social/emotional aspects. For autistic people it provides a structure and routine that they need.
Not having school left a big gaping hole in Adam’s life. It was hard to see what my son went through, so I started working on a book to tell his story.
I had Storyteller Academy to show me how to make a picture book. The next step was learning illustration. I had ZERO experience. Sure I’m a graphic artist and can make greeting cards and gift wrap. So that experience helped. But illustration is a whole other thing!
I bought the iPad Pro and downloaded Procreate. Then poured in hundreds of hours learning basic illustration.
There were many times I just wanted to give up. I slowly realized what kind of effort was involved in making a picture book. I didn’t know making a children’s book was SO MUCH WORK. It blows my mind.
But slowly the story came together. Every time I finalized a page, I would show it to Adam to see if he could understand what was going on.
When all the scenes were done, I had professionals review it to make sure everything was grammatically correct and the storyline made sense. Then I compiled the book, and submitted it to Amazon for review and publishing.
The story starts with Adam slowly waking up. He thinks it’s just going to be another school day. But as he quickly finds out, that is not going to be the case.
We all know what happens next. While quarantined at home, Adam goes through several twists and turns. Many emotional ups and downs. He struggles to make sense of the situation. But he has the support of his family and surrounding community.
Order your copy today. I have the story available on paper or as an e-book. Kindle Unlimited subscribers can read the story for FREE. CLICK HERE (you will be redirected to
Spanish translation also in the works! Stay tuned.