Back To School Wall Print – Hot Air Balloon Adventure – Printable Download

After being out of school for several months, we are Back To School next week! I know a number of us are nervous and excited about what to expect. Our school district starts virtually with the hopes that we will go back to in-person learning at some point.
Our school emphasizes the positive, and I think it’s important to keep that mindset with the new school year. It will be challenging no matter who you are – teacher, parent or student. We are charting new territory but I think we can rock it! So I started making wall prints to remind and encourage us for forge on and do our best.
I wanted an adventure theme. Because whether or not you realize it, we are making history. People will be looking back at this period of time. You and your children will be part of a story that will be told in years to come.
So here is what I came up with – a colorful hot air balloon. A cheerful bright vibe. Something to start your day with the right mindset. Something to remind you when things aren’t going so well. Something to remind you that Yes, this can be exciting and full of adventure.
To download the print, click here.
Don’t have a color printer? I also have this available as a coloring page.